About us
spence brothers culture
the spence brothers
mission statement
To build trust and important facilities with great people and organizations, driven to help each other and our communities thrive.
Our company values
The values within an organization are the standards of its people. At Spence Brothers, our values are fundamental to our success. They are the foundation of our company, define who we are and set us apart from the competition. They underlie our vision of the future, our business strategies and our decisions, actions and behaviors. We live by them.
Six core values are at the heart of Spence Brothers: Safety, Integrity, Mentoring, People, Legacy, Excellence. These six values are linked, and they strengthen our company’s future – while we honor our history of core values working together and contributing to our success.
We are committed to ensuring a safe and hazard-free work place.
We are building on the trust we have earned through honesty, fairness and reliability.
We are building our future by helping one another and our project partners to work more effectively and efficiently, and to develop new skills for success.
We build relationships that benefit our customers, employees and other project partners.
Since 1893, we have built monuments leaving a lasting reputation of success. Today we continue to enhance our ability to change our communities and create for them better places to live, work, heal and play.
We provide superior services in a professional manner to satisfied customers.
Always give something back.
Community Impact
Being a good corporate citizen is a sign of a company’s veracity. Spence Brothers’ vested interest in supporting communities where we work, live, and play is a footprint of our company-wide belief to “always give something back”.
By giving time, talent, and treasure, our company, and employees have helped community-based agencies, supportive groups and other causes bring solutions to identified local needs. Spence Brothers proudly accepted the Corporate Community Service Award which recognized our commitment of support for many on-going efforts to advance the quality of life throughout Michigan.
Michigan Baseball Foundation – Youth on Deck
Local kids from the Boys & Girls Club enjoy a special night of attention at the Loons ballgame.
United Way
Spence Brothers President, Herb Spence III, prepares pancakes for employees who contributed to the United Way.
Covenant Kids – Fun Run
Spence Brothers’ employees participate in benefit to help pediatric patients at Covenant Healthcare.