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Traverse City, Michigan

West Hall Innovation Center @ Northwestern Michigan College

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Construction Manager

Cornerstone Architects


the Project study

Northwestern Michigan College (NMC) funding, along with the help of State funding, allowed the important renovations and modernizations to be made to the 50-year-old West Hall building. The new West Hall Innovation Center is a multi-story library and learning space. The new center’s design incorporates innovative and transformative learning environments across its scope to include the addition of the new library and multiple academic and simulation spaces.

Features Include: Learning lab space for group design projects in multiple disciplines. Spacious Library with dedicated quiet reading zone. New Kitchen, Cafeteria, and Coffee Shop. A variety of thoughtful learning spaces to promote learning to continue outside of formal learning spaces. Space to explore and execute a variety of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) related activities. Learning labs that are adaptable with the flexibility to accommodate group and individual learning, as well as learning partnerships with institutions outside the region. Breakout spaces that extend the capabilities of adjacent learning labs. Technology enhanced lab that allows interactive conversation and work with national and international partners.